Join the team

Opportunities for undergraduate students

If you are currently studying for a bachelor's degree in Ensenada, Mexico, and you are interested in getting experience in doing research, you can join our team through some of the following programs: 

We are looking for undergraduate students to work on our exciting projects. As our research is interdisciplinary, we welcome students from different backgrounds, such as computer science, informatics, computing engineering, software engineering, psychology, healthcare, education, communication sciences, and graphical design. Please review our projects and let us know where you want to work. We can also create an entirely new project for you if needed. Just get in touch with us for an informal discussion. 

Opportunities for prospective graduate students

If you are interested in studying a master’s or a Ph.D. advised or co-advised by Dr. Karina Caro, you can apply to one of the following graduate programs**:

* Before applying, please email Dr. Karina Caro to discuss details of the student application (e.g., research project, requirements, etc.). 
** All graduate programs offer national and international students scholarship opportunities through the Mexican National Council of Humanities, Sciences, and Technologies (CONAHCyT) by the National Graduate Programs (SNP)

We are always looking for talented students, postdocs, and visiting researchers to join our team. Feel free to contact us for more information.