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Research Team


A video game to support global warming awareness 


Reto Global: High-Fidelity prototype


Nowadays, human activities are directly impacting the earth's natural dynamics, resulting in climate alterations on a global scale, commonly known as Global Warming. Video games are a potential tool for global warming awareness due to their benefits to the learning process, such as improving cognitive skills, attention, and motivation to learn about a new topic. 

This project is part of a master project from the Master in Information and Communication Technology Management from the Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC). It aims to design, develop, and evaluate a serious game for the Caracol Museo de Ciencias, a science-oriented museum in Ensenada, Baja California, to promote global warming awareness.  Reto Global is a serious video game for supporting global warming awareness, aiming to raise awareness about the role played by human actions as the leading cause of the increase in temperature on the planet, as well as about the damage caused by global warming to the environment and the risks it represents for people's well-being. It motivates the public to adopt more sustainable and environmentally friendly habits by explaining the causes and effects of the climate change phenomenon. 

This project has been presented at the following conferences: 6to Coloquio de posgrados Zona 1 de ANFECA and the IX Latin American Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (CLIHC 2019). The results of Reto Global's evaluation were published in an indexed Journal.


Reto Global won First Place in the 9th National Award for Projects for Obtaining a Bachelor's and Graduate Academic Degree from the National Association of Accounting and Administration Faculties and Schools (ANFECA) Zone 1 (9no Premio Nacional de Proyectos Terminales para la Obtención de Licenciatura y Grado Académico de Posgrado de la Asociación Nacional de Facultades y Escuelas de Contaduría y Administración (ANFECA) Zona 1). 

Reto Global

Low-fidelity prototype 


Media coverage